Finish Your Book

Maybe you lost your enthusiasm or your idea has changed.
Don’t worry thats how all books are produced.

Maybe you started with lots of enthusiasm, but something has happened along the way. Your motivation has changed, or the circumstances in your life. Perhaps you have had a change of heart or the message you started with is no longer appropriate.

Maybe you are just confused! That’s great! A lot of Book Midwife® clients get unstuck within a very short time, sometimes from the very first session or phone call. You don’t have to stay stuck.

Get in touch with The Book Midwife® today and let’s get you to the next step, whatever that is for you.

If you are still at the ideas and planning stage or stuck somewhere in the middle, go to WRITE YOUR BOOK

Get in touch with The Book Midwife® today.

Help Me Write a Book

If you have already tried to have a go (the DIY approach) you may have already found out that it can be a bit harder than it looks to write a book! Especially if you want to write a good book that reflects well on you and your business (if you have one).

You Have Several Options to Finish Your Book:

Maybe you started with lots of enthusiasm, but something has happened along the way. Your motivation has changed, or the circumstances in your life. Perhaps you have had a change of heart or the message you started with is no longer appropriate.

Maybe you are just confused! That’s great! A lot of Book Midwife® clients get unstuck within a very short time, sometimes from the very first session or phone call. You don’t have to stay stuck.

Option 1:

Get in touch with The Book Midwife® today and let’s get you to the next step, whatever that is for you. But you will need to be open to feedback. So many people say “Help me write a book” but they don’t want to listen to advice from professionals who understand the process, the market and the industry. That’s just crazy!

If you are still at the ideas and planning stage or stuck somewhere in the middle, go to WRITE YOUR BOOK, get in touch with The Book Midwife® today!

Option 2:

Continue on your own, till you have a finished book. At this point you won’t need help writing a book. You may need help fixing a book, but we don’t do that kind of work. It’s called developmental editing and it can cost a lot of money, and bring up lots of things you may need to change, add, delete or otherwise improve. Lots of authors get depressed and disheartened when they receive feedback that requires them to spend a lot more time editing their manuscript. So they quit. And the book never sees the light of day! Don’t be one of those authors. Go back to Option 1 again, read it through and contact us before it is too late!