We can now help even more people write and publish their books
Last week I trained a new writing coach/consultant. Kate Keenan is now officially a Licensed Associate with The Book Midwife, and she is going to be superb! Kate has over 30 years of experience as a licensed psychologist and is a trained coach. She has also written 14 business books which, collectively, have sold over one million copies! She is just finishing her 15th book and will be publishing it with Ecademy Press. Kate is based in Bath, UK and has a specific interest in helping academics and professionals create more popular (less academic) books. A big warm welcome, Kate!

There are about 10 other coaches and consultants who will be trained in The Book Midwife methodology over the next six months. With so many people wanting to write and publish good books quickly, we are always looking for more good people, so please keep your eyes and ears open. Applicants should be trained coaches or practising consultants, have their own business and ideally have written and published a full-length book.