The Ideas of March

Once upon a time, the Romans used to celebrate the new year during the month of March, with many festivities happening around the 15th or the IDES of March. What a great concept. A time of spring and renewal (at least here in the Northern hemisphere) seems like a much more sensible period to make a new start on things in your life and business.

In particular, I would like you to consider what new IDEAS could help you make that new start. Where could a new idea inject some new energy or a new perspective to something that has been bothering you in your personal life, or in your business?

You don’t need to come up with all the answers immediately. Simply asking this powerful question will start the process flowing, and then your subconscious can begin to look for answers in your daily interactions, your thoughts and even in your dreams.

If you have been looking for inspiration, simply take today as an IDEAL day to start. Why not? It’s as good a day as any other, and it helped the Romans celebrate many new years during the days of the Empire. ?In fact, when in Rome, let’s do as the Romans did and start with the celebration.

To bring the new energy and ideas into your life, begin by acknowledging and celebrating the good things already present in your life. I suggest to my clients that they actually write their blessings down, which makes them even more tangible and easy to remember. For many clients, this step alone has been wildly transformational, in terms of shifting blocks and opening up space to be creative.

Want more IDEAS today? Start by celebrating and treating today like the first day of a new year or even a new life. Want more inspiration? It’s there for you. Today would be the perfect day to tap into it. Let me know how things start to flow for you. Welcome to the IDEAS of MARCH!

P.S. In case one of your ideas involves writing a book, there is currently an 88% discount on my ‘Write and Publish Your Book – Step by Step’ Online Course, you can still get it for just $33 instead of $199 if you are quick…

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