I’m giving birth to triplets this week
It’s not often you get to give birth to 3 babies in a week. Even when those ‘babies’ are books! Although we help hundreds of people each year, three in one week warrants a bit of a celebration. So please help me welcome to the world some really fabulous titles that will all make a great impression in their specific markets:

On 16th February, Pension Matters will be born. The brain-child of seasoned financial adviser Paul Steel, this book provides clarity and reassurance to those just approaching the retirement age. It outlines the choices you have and guides you through the maze in a friendly and supportive way.

On 18th February, Camilla Ellis will give birth to The Body Objective. A comprehensive book which offers advice and insights on nutrition, overall health and fitness, this book will be well-received by people who want to improve their? general health and wellness, and people with specific health challenges.

Finally, 21st February will be the birthday of The Ten Commandments by Russell Connor. A very slim volume, it is a book which Russell will be able to use with his clients to showcase his extensive experience and expertise in business consulting. We apologise if anyone was looking for the biblical version – this is not it but it is a business bible, of sorts!
So we have an eventful week coming up! I applaud all my author clients who have persevered against self-doubt, time challenges and critics, to create books that create a real impact and build credibility. If you would like to be featured in a future blog post, please contact me today. The sooner you start, the sooner we can launch you into the marketplace. Thanks for following us and watch out for more exciting news in the very near future.