HIGHLIGHTS from The Book Midwife
What a couple of months we’ve just had! If you have followed any of our news, you probably know about some of the exciting things we have been doing in December and January. Still, it gives me great pleasure to summarize what has been the best two months ever at our little company. I hope this report makes you smile and feel inspired to get involved!
Helping more people than ever to write and publish books
Over the past two months, my own private client list sold out as I helped 10 new private clients start their books!
I also enjoyed presenting at the European Professional Women’s Network and the Chartered Management Institute, as well as being a guest presenter for Lisa Peck a.ka. the ‘Step it Up Queen’ and UK Sales Mentor Steve Clarke on their webinars.
Growing and Adding More Value
In January, we also trained and certified three new Book Midwife Consultants! A very warm welcome to Sharon Eden, Bianca Kroon and Oni Bhattacharya!

There are now six of us, which means we can help even more aspiring authors to plan, write and publish their books. So no matter which consultant they work with, clients can be assured of the same proven and award-winning system that has helped over 300 people to write their books in just 90 days!

We need to expand the team even more, especially in the U.S., so if you know a coach or consultant who has written a book and would like to help others achieve the same, please ask if they would consider training as a Book Midwife Licensed Practitioner.
Finally, the month of January ended with the first ever Thought Leadership Retreat – a very small, very exclusive two-day event especially for people who need a strategy to become the REAL thought leaders in their field.

Feedback has been very positive, and the next retreat has been planned for May. If you would like more information, please see the website. But you will need to be fast, as there are only 6 places available.
Lots of Lovely New Books!
And this report would not be complete without acknowledging the many Book Midwife and Ecademy Press clients who successfully launched their books in December and January. Huge kudos to the following:
Deb Battersby, author of The Magic Mirror and the Grandma Message
Iris Clermont, author of Team Magic
Sharon Eden, author of Whack Around The Head
Hattie Hasan, author of The Joy of Plumbing
Cali Bird, author of Don’t Give Up Your Day Job

Hmmm… I just noticed something about this list. Can you see anything interesting? Let me know, and let me know what we should do about it!
Well, that’s the end of the round-up! I hope you are also having a brilliant start to the 2011. If so, let me know so I can help you shout about it. If not, let me know if there is anything I can do to help you shift things in the area of thought leadership, writing and publishing. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!