Hello from sunny (not) Glasgow

Oh well. I didn’t come here for the weather. The Everywoman Scotland conference was every bit as good as we hoped. An impressive line-up of speakers plus a very impressive number of businesswomen keen to network and learn. I got some great feedback from the Maximise your Marketing Potential workshop and had some great discussions with aspiring business authors.
Spent a?lovely few hours with the magical Charlie Robertson over a vegetarian Indian dinner and managed to discuss a little business in between laughs.
This morning met up with the knowledgeable Ruth Allen (PR) and I remembered just how valuable the Ecademy BlackStar network is. We’re going to get her more involved again because she has so much fantastic wisdom to share.
Just about to meet up with Judy Barber, author of Good Questions!, who assures me there is another book on the way…
And then we are off to the Scotland PSA where I hope to light a fire under a few people’s butts and get them to commit to being REAL Thought Leaders… I’ll report back on any promising candidates…