Free Webinar next Thursday – How to Write and Publish a Successful Book

How to Write and Publish A Successful Book!

Next Thursday, November 9th at 12 noon Mountain Time (7pm UK time), I am going to be a guest presenter for Lisa Peck, the Step It Up Queen! Many of Lisa’s newsletter readers have asked her about how to write a book and get published. They also want to know how the market has changed. I am excited to be presenting a complimentary webinar to the Step It Up! readers to answer those questions. You are most welcome to participate as well.

On the webinar, I will be sharing my top tips for successful writing and publishing, such as:

  • How to pick the right concept for your book
  • How to arrive at the ideal length, style, tone and even content for your book
  • How to find the right publishing option for your book
  • How to get the book planned and written quickly
  • How to get the best return on your efforts

I am thrilled to be able to help Lisa’s readers – and YOU – progress on the exciting book writing journey.

To sign up for this free webinar, simply go to: